Circle of Life Award Application Form

This is your chance to tell us about your project and apply for the Circle of Life award!

This form should be completed by a teacher, project leader or another nominated person. Please include evidence of your project including photographs, testimonials from student participants and, if possible, testimonials from project beneficiaries.

Name of school is required
School postcode is required
Number of students in team is required
Year group is required
Key area of interest is required
Aim of project is required
Describe your project is required
Skills developed by the team is required
Moment of success is required
When the team overcame a challenge is required
Total selected filesize: 0.00MB
Name of person completing this form is required
Role is required
A valid email is required
A valid UK phone number is required

This application will be sent to the Disney theatrical education team who will be in touch about arranging your award in the near future.